Shipton Bellinger

Our Philosophy

Welcome to Our Enriching and Supportive Preschool Community.

At our preschool, we are committed to providing a secure and nurturing environment where children can thrive under the guidance of our dedicated and experienced team. Our primary goal is to foster each child's development and lay the groundwork for successful future learning. We achieve this by tailoring our enriching curriculum to follow individual interests, introducing new and engaging activities, and cultivating strong, trusting relationships with every child.

We take pride in offering a free-flow environment that allows children to explore at their own pace and choose from various settings throughout the day. This includes access to quieter areas for relaxation and reflection and ample outdoor space for play and discovery. Our facility is equipped with stimulating and imaginative resources designed to enhance play skills and inspire creativity.

In addition to focusing on individual growth, we believe small group work is essential in fostering a sense of inclusivity and belonging among the children. These group activities encourage the formation of new friendships, help us identify each child's developmental needs and progress, boost self-confidence, and promote cooperation and teamwork.

Our warm, welcoming atmosphere ensures that children and their families feel at ease, knowing that our preschool is where young minds can flourish and develop essential life skills. With our passionate team and innovative approach, we aim to make every child's preschool experience a positive and memorable one.
01980 847204
Shipton Bellinger Preschool, 3 Parkhouse Road, Tidworth, Hampshire SP9 7TW
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